Yoni Egg Definition: Understanding How They Work

Yoni egg quartz rose

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Yes, the famous crystals! If you are the spiritual type, I bet you’re also intrigued by the idea of yoni eggs. The popular egg-shaped stones that go into the vagina to enhance your sexuality, energy, femininity and sensuality.

Take a pause! How much do you know about these precious crystals? If you don’t know much about them, you’re in luck. Here’s all you need to know about yoni eggs. Read on!

What is a Yoni Egg?

Yoni is a Sanskrit word for space, source or the womb. A yoni egg is an egg-shaped crystal with a beautiful and very smooth surface. Do you know why it is called a yoni egg? I’ll answer. Well, yoni is the popular fancy word for your vagina. It could also mean the entire female reproductive organ, but it is commonly used for the vagina. A yoni egg is worn by a woman inside her vagina, and it is an amazing tool that helps to tone the lower abdomen including the pelvic floor.

Yoni eggs are also referred to as a sex egg, Kegel egg, vagina egg or a love stone. Today, the use of the precious eggs has been popularized by celebrities from “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” in 2017. Many women now experience its benefits by simply wearing their yoni egg when going for a walk, doing yoga or while sleeping.

Yoni Egg Origin

Yoni is a Sanskrit word that describes the feminine parts as sacred, physical and spiritual – the yoni is considered sacred because it is the origin of life and center for physical pleasure. It originated from ancient Chinese Taoist practice dating back 5000 years ago. The queen and her contemporaries used the stone to maintain a great reproductive system and a tight vagina for the king. As a result, it is an integral part of sexual satisfaction and happiness as a woman. It was believed to add to a woman’s youth and physical pleasure.

What does Yoni Egg look like?

Just like the name, it is an egg-shaped stone. It is small, and round with a smooth surface. The idea is that the density of the egg serves as a weight that provides resistance to tone and strengthen your vagina muscles.

What are Yoni Eggs Made of?

They are not only made of jade. The eggs are available in clear quartz., amethyst, banded onyx and more. These semi-precious stones have their own healing energy and frequency. Therefore, you should choose a yoni egg depending on your intentions and unique needs.

  • Aventurine yoni eggs favour regeneration.
  • Amethyst yoni eggs allow to calm our mind. It is the stone of the spirit.
  • Tiger’s eye yoni eggs : Known as the stone of protection, it keeps away negative energies.
  • Rose Quartz yoni eggs are all about love and cupid. Love for your body and curves, love for your life and love for your partner. This lovely pink stone emits a beautiful calm energy and helps you feel connected to yourself more than ever before.

What are Jade Eggs?

Yoni eggs are also known are Jade eggs. They are polished stones that originated from ancient Chinese civilizations where it was commonly used amongst concubines and empresses. Although not all yoni eggs are made of jade, they can be made from other precious stones and crystals.

How Does Yoni Egg Work?

A yoni egg work is so many ways and here are some of its functions.

  • It helps to transform your energy and awaken your sexual strength
  • The egg balances the mind, body and soul
  • It improves sensitivity
  • It builds resistance
  • It is a great tool that helps to improve certain conditions like incontinence or cysts, balancing your hormones, helping you transition safely to menopause, and heals sexual trauma
  • Yoni eggs helps you to be in touch with your sexuality and discovering the amazing functions of your sexual organs.
  • It opens the door to multiple orgasms. Did you know that there are many ways you can achieve orgasms? Having an egg inside your vagina will help you develop more nerves. This means you will be in sync with your feelings and may be able to experience an orgasm in your cervix and g-spot or in other parts of your vagina. Isn’t that amazing?
  • It enhances fertility
  • Many women use it for birth training. Having a strong and energetic vagina and pelvic floor leads to safer delivery and less pain
  • With a yoni egg inside you, you will become more appreciative of your body. And this will naturally lead to self-love and sexual confidence.

To get more benefits of using Yoni eggs, it is really important to use it regularly.

As a conclusion…

It takes strength and courage to embrace your sexuality and I applaud you for being here to learn. Reading this means you are moving to embracing your feminine power and appreciating your scared temple. For that, I’m really proud of you!